Welcome to Gracefull Heart
Gracefull Heart is a Metaphysical Shop and Wellness Center that provides a peaceful and safe space to explore tools and services that can help you on the journey to healing and wholeness. We offer a variety of healing services and products that can serve as support toward manifesting a greater sense of well-being. Healing services include Reiki healing sessions and Reiki training, Sacred Spirals Healing sessions, Dominus Cervix Stargate sessions, Aura Photography, Angel readings, and more. Products include crystals, crystal bowls, books, music, gemstone jewelry, salt lamps, essential oils, and much more.

Love All, Serve All.

Tools & Services
That Help To Promote Wholeness And Healing.
Crystals, Books, Cards, Gemstone Jewelry, Crystal Singing Bowls and much more!!

Love All, Serve All
All hearts are connected. All hearts are one.
A Beginner’s Guide to the Chakras
According to yoga tradition, the subtle body is a part of you that you can’t see or touch—it’s where your energy flows, which is why it’s also referred to as the energy body.
What Are Lightworkers and What Do They Do?
Lightworkers, also known as star seeds, Earth angels, and Indigos, are spiritual beings in human existence sent here to heal.
What Is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.